Nans Honeysuckle
Nans Honeysuckle
Nans Honeysuckle - With Mandarin and Grape notes combining seamlessly with Neroli and Vanilla Malt. This fragrant blend transports you to cherished moments in a soothing, aromatic journey.
At our grandparents' house, on warm summer days, we would gather near the back fence where a lush honeysuckle vine clung to the wooden lattice. Our Pop showed us how to pluck the honeysuckle flowers and gently suck out the sweet nectar. My sister and I would spend hours pulling off the white and yellow flowers, sucking out the sugary liquid whilst dodging the bee stings! It was a simple pleasure that brought us closer to nature and each other. The scent of Nans Honeysuckle always transports me back to those sunny days by Nan's back fence, where the world seemed sweeter. This candle captures the very essence of those cherished moments, filling your space with the delightful, nostalgic aroma of Japanese honeysuckle and the warmth of family bonds.